11/5 Day 2

We have the same schedule every morning so after breakfast we are on the bus to the Studio.  Today we are having a demonstration of some more complex items that can be made in the Hot Shop.  Seats have been set up for all 24 of us in the Hot Shop and Christa is going to make a couple of items with help from Chris and Lyman.  

The first item she is going to make is a compote.  Here they are adding a stripe to the form she has blown


The piece came out very nice.  Then she was going to make a large vase.  She got pretty far along.  

Not long after this step, she was re-heating the piece in the oven and when she was taking it out she tapped it against the hood above the stove and the piece broke and fell to the ground in lots o’pieces.  There was very little response from her or the guys.  We thought this was strange and asked why.  Christa said you cannot get attached to a piece you are making.  Things happen and they break all the time.  She said you get used to it.  It happened again on Thursday when Lyman was making a glass.  He just got up and started making another one.  

We made a paper weight in class today.  It was a lot of fun.  

In the Flame shop we continued to work on making beads. 

Here I am making yet another lopsided bead.  It wasn't until the last day that I was making even a few round beads.

Caroline getting some pointers from Christa.  Caroline was probably the best bead maker amongst us four.  

In Kiln we made another flat item, I spent at least half the class just trying to come up with an idea.  

After Kiln we were to meet up with Jenny again to go to the Rakow Research Library which purportedly has the largest collection of books on glass in the world.  We four decided to skip and go downtown and wander around a bit.  We then met two other members of the group at "Beer and Burgers" for supper.  

After supper Jinny brought some glass from her personal collection and passed them around while telling up about the piece.  It was quite interesting.  

Caroline and I had some wine while working on the puzzle before heading off to bed.
